HAM, or Hardware Asset Management, is a branch of IT Asset Management (ITAM) that explicitly focuses on managing an organization’s hardware assets. It involves tracking and managing physical hardware assets such as computers, servers, and other hardware devices throughout their entire lifecycle, from procurement to disposal.
HAM aims to ensure that hardware assets are utilized effectively and efficiently and to minimize the costs and risks associated with managing these assets. By tracking hardware assets and their utilization, organizations can make informed decisions about hardware procurement and replacement, which can help reduce costs and improve productivity.
HAM is closely related to IT Asset Management (ITAM) and Software Asset Management (SAM), as all three disciplines work together to ensure an organization’s effective and efficient management of IT assets.
Certification definition
The HAM specialist certification is part of the ITAMorg® Information Technology Asset Management certification program. Candidates who have achieved the ITAMorg® HAM specialist certification have proven that they can effectively manage and control hardware assets within an organization. They understand the impact of hardware management on other asset types such as software, cloud and services, and people and information assets. With the knowledge of IT Service Management best practices and Hardware Asset Management best practices (ISO19770), they can implement hardware asset management lifecycle processes, control hardware standards and lifecycles, and manage the retirement and disposal of hardware assets.
Certification requirements
Candidates can become certified by passing the ITAMorg® HAM Specialist certification exam. It is advised, but not obliged, that candidates have achieved the ITAMorg® ITAM Foundation certification before attempting the ITAMorg® HAM Specialist certification.
Vouchers for the certification exam are available through accredited trainers and Van Haren Group.
Certificate renewal
The HAM specialist certificate is valid for two years.
The following table is an overview of the topics examined in the certification exam.
Level(s) of Cognition
Key Concepts
Understand the activities involved in HAM
Understand the development and evolution of HAM
Understand the potential benefits, costs and problems associated with hardware and its usage
Describe the organizational risks associated with hardware and its usage.
Describe and explain the special characteristics of hardware assets and hardware types, including financial situations, hardware scope, hardware vendor activities and hardware compliance
Review HAM processes, identifying potential areas of weakness
Describe and explain the hardware supply chain and the role of the organizations involved
Understand regulations and certificates relating to the disposal of hardware
Identify and understand the interfaces that HAM has with other IT and Service Management processes
Understand how IT Service Management best practice will support HAM
Describe and explain the roles, responsibilities and accountability of the HAM processes and information
Explain the need for defining and agreeing roles and responsibilities
Explain the organizational factors that need to be considered when defining roles and responsibilities
Understand the responsibilities required to carry out specific roles, e.g. hardware audit, reconciliation work and contract management
Understand the different terminologies and principles used in HAM
Understand other hardware industry players including standards (ISO/IEC 55000), disposal organizations and HAM partners
Describe the need for HAM and explain the principles involved
Draw up a plan of approach to the implementation of HAM
Describe and explain the need for HAM and the considerations and content of a HAM business case
Obtain the appropriate information from the business and IT required to produce a HAM business case
Assist with the production of a HAM business case
Describe and explain the overall HAM implementation framework
Identify processes and technologies used in each tier of the implementation
Describe and explain the stages in the lifecycle of hardware assets
Describe and explain the HAM process groups and processes contained within the framework and their content
Describe and explain the management controls, policies and procedures required and their content
Define and describe the dependencies of other IT and Service Management processes on HAM processes and information
Define and document the dependencies of HAM on other Service Management processes and information
Tier 1
Identify and understand the Management controls, processes and technologies for a Tier one implementation
Explain and justify the stages and activities involved in the implementation of HAM within an organisation at tier level 1
Justify and initiate the implementation of HAM within an organisation
Develop an outline plan for the implementation of HAM within an organisation
Understand the different resource requirements between project and business as usual activities
Explain the types of HAM tools and their usage within the HAM processes at Tier 1
Understand the evaluation criteria for choosing appropriate HAM tools at Tier 1
Justify, select, and procure the appropriate HAM support tools and techniques at Tier 1
Justify and initiate the identification of HAM asset and get them under control
Explain the Policies, Procedures & Processes for the HAM framework at Tier 1
Explain the competences needed in HAM at Tier 1
Understand and initiate the communication of the policies, procedures, and processes at Tier 1
Explain and justify how HAM Assets are recorded and how it affects the accurately situation
Understand how to manage and maintain HAM information
Identify the HAM related reports required throughout the organisation at Tier 1
Define and report on the measurements, metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of HAM at Tier 1
Tier 2
Identify and explain the objective at HAM Tier 2 level and how to establish practical management around HAM
Identify and understand the Management controls, processes and technologies for a Tier 2 implementation
Explain and justify the stages and activities involved in the implementation of HAM within an organisation at tier level 2
Justify and initiate the implementation of HAM within an organisation
Develop an outline plan for the implementation of HAM within an organisation
Understand the different resource requirements between project and business as usual activities.
Explain the types of HAM tools and their usage within the HAM processes at Tier 2
Understand the evaluation criteria for choosing appropriate HAM tools at Tier 2
Justify, select, and procure the appropriate HAM support tools and techniques at Tier 2
Explain the Policies, Procedures & Processes for the HAM framework at Tier 2
Explain the competencies needed in HAM at Tier 2
Understand and initiate the communication of the policies, procedures, and processes at Tier 2
Explain and initiate how optimization and integration to between HAM systems and related systems are enabled at Tier 2
Explain and initiate how optimization and integration between SAM processes and related processes are enabled at Tier 2
Understand how to manage and maintain HAM information at Tier 2
Identify the HAM-related reports required throughout the organization at Tier 2
Define and report on the measurements, metrics, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of HAM at Tier 2
Tier 3
Identify and explain the Objective at the Tier 3 on how to create greater efficiency and effectiveness by optimizing cross-cutting contexts, with focus on cost
Identify and understand the Management controls, processes and technologies for a Tier 3 implementation
Explain and justify the stages and activities involved in the implementation of HAM within an organisation at tier level 3
Justify and initiate the implementation of HAM within an organisation at Tier 3
Develop an outline plan for the implementation of HAM at Tier 3 within an organisation
Explain the types of HAM tools and their usage within the HAM processes at Tier 3
Understand the evaluation criteria for choosing appropriate HAM tools at Tier 3
Justify, select and procure the appropriate HAM support tools and techniques at Tier 3
Understand how to manage and maintain HAM information at tier 3
Justify and initiate how HAM contracts and supplier information must be relevant, realistic, controlled and managed at Tier 3
Justify and initiate how HAM financials must reflect the current and future situation and be controlled and managed at Tier 3
Justify and initiate how HAM measure must be aligned with business and HAM operational needs, and must be managed and controlled at Tier 3
Justify and initiate how HAM operational risks must be managed, controlled and communicated at Tier 3
Identify the HAM related reports required throughout the organisation at Tier 3
Define and report on the measurements, metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of HAM at Tier 3
More information about the levels of cognition
Level 1 - Knowledge: This level requires candidates to recall specific information or facts. They should demonstrate the ability to remember and recognize details, terms, or concepts from their learning materials.
Level 2 - Comprehension: At this level, candidates are expected to show their understanding of the acquired information. They should be able to interpret, explain, and summarize. Candidates must go beyond mere memorization and demonstrate that they can grasp the meaning and implications of the information they have learned.
Level 3 - Application: The focus at this level is on candidates’ ability to apply their acquired knowledge in practical situations. They should be able to use what they have learned to solve problems, apply principles, or implement strategies in real-world scenarios.
Level 4 - Analysis: Analysis involves candidates breaking down complex concepts into smaller parts and comprehending the relationships between them. Candidates must display the ability to analyze information, identify components, and understand the underlying connections between them.
Level 5 - Synthesis: At this level, candidates are expected to exhibit the ability to create something new by combining different ideas, concepts, or elements. Candidates must demonstrate their capacity to generate hypotheses, design experiments, or develop original solutions to problems. Synthesis involves creativity and the integration of different elements to form a novel whole.
Level 6 - Evaluation: This level requires candidates to use judgments or assessments based on criteria and evidence. Candidates must critically analyze information, compare and contrast different perspectives, and make informed decisions. They should demonstrate the ability to evaluate the quality, validity, and reliability of information, arguments, or solutions.
Reference Material
The reference material for the ITAMOrg® Hardware Asset Management Specialist exam is as follows:
Van Haren Learning Solutions organizes the trainer accreditation for this certification program. More information on the accreditation process can be found on their website.