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ASL® 2 Foundation

ASL® 2 FOUNDATION certified by

About the best practice

Accreditation institute:Van Haren Certify
Examination institute:certN

ASL® stands for Application Services Library. It is a framework that provides best practices for managing and executing application management activities within an organization. ASL® focuses on managing application services, including activities such as application development, maintenance, and support.

ASL® provides guidance and processes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of application management. It helps organizations align their application services with business objectives, improve service quality, and enhance customer satisfaction. ASL® covers various areas, including application lifecycle management, service desk management, incident management, and change management. (More info on ASL®.)

Certification definition

The ASL® 2 Foundation certification validates an individual’s comprehensive understanding of the Application Services Library. When candidates achieve the ASL® 2 Foundation certification, they possess the following capabilities:

  1. Process-Oriented Approach: Certified professionals understand and can apply a process-oriented approach to application management. They are familiar with essential processes such as application governance, maintenance and renewal, and application strategy, enabling them to manage application-related activities effectively.

  2. Lifecycle Approach: Certified individuals emphasize the importance of a lifecycle approach in application management. They can comprehend and manage the entire lifecycle of applications, from initiation to phasing out. By doing so, they maximize the value of applications throughout each phase.

  3. Collaboration between Business and IT: Certified professionals recognize the significance of collaboration and alignment between business and IT departments. They actively promote partnerships to achieve organizational goals jointly. This includes understanding the business needs, aligning IT solutions, and fostering effective communication and collaboration.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Certified individuals foster a culture of continuous improvement within application management. They actively encourage regular evaluation and identification of improvement opportunities regarding processes, service delivery, performance, and customer satisfaction.

  5. Governance and Control: Certified professionals advocate for a robust governance and control framework in application management. They can define responsibilities, establish clear procedures, and implement control systems to ensure effective management and risk control.

Certification requirements

The certification can be attained exclusively through passing the ASL® 2 Foundation certification exam.

Vouchers for the certification exam are available through accredited trainers and Van Haren Group.

Certificate renewal

The ASL® 2 Foundation certificate is valid for three years.

Exam format

The general exam regulations apply to this exam.
Attempts per voucher:1
Number of questions:40
Passing score:65%
Time:60 minutes





Question type:Multiple choice

Exam Syllabus

The following table is an overview of the topics examined in the certification exam.
#questions Level(s) of Cognition Category
1 2 3
6 Introductie van het beheerlandschap
8 Procescluster beheer
10 Procescluster onderhoud en vernieuwing
4 Procescluster verbindende processen
10 Procescluster sturende processen
2 Richtinggevende processen
More information about the levels of cognition
  • Level 1 - Knowledge: This level requires candidates to recall specific information or facts. They should demonstrate the ability to remember and recognize details, terms, or concepts from their learning materials.
  • Level 2 - Comprehension: At this level, candidates are expected to show their understanding of the acquired information. They should be able to interpret, explain, and summarize. Candidates must go beyond mere memorization and demonstrate that they can grasp the meaning and implications of the information they have learned.
  • Level 3 - Application: The focus at this level is on candidates’ ability to apply their acquired knowledge in practical situations. They should be able to use what they have learned to solve problems, apply principles, or implement strategies in real-world scenarios.
  • Level 4 - Analysis: Analysis involves candidates breaking down complex concepts into smaller parts and comprehending the relationships between them. Candidates must display the ability to analyze information, identify components, and understand the underlying connections between them.
  • Level 5 - Synthesis: At this level, candidates are expected to exhibit the ability to create something new by combining different ideas, concepts, or elements. Candidates must demonstrate their capacity to generate hypotheses, design experiments, or develop original solutions to problems. Synthesis involves creativity and the integration of different elements to form a novel whole.
  • Level 6 - Evaluation: This level requires candidates to use judgments or assessments based on criteria and evidence. Candidates must critically analyze information, compare and contrast different perspectives, and make informed decisions. They should demonstrate the ability to evaluate the quality, validity, and reliability of information, arguments, or solutions.

Reference Material

The reference material for the ASL® 2 Foundation exam is:

ASL® 2 - Een framework voor applicatiemanagement

Trainer accreditation

Van Haren Learning Solutions organizes the trainer accreditation for this certification program. More information on the accreditation process can be found on their website.